How many ways can you spin a letter and keep it interesting? The format is basically the same: talk about the people in my family, what they did, what makes them unique/fun/interesting/whatever, mention a couple big events, summarize everything, and sign off. As the kids get older the task gets more difficult: they’re still doing the same shit they did last year, and we’re really not that interesting.
I remember doing things, just not if they were this year, so you may get recycled stories. I apologize for nothing. Besides, let’s be honest, you don’t really care whether these things happened or not. We did take a trip to Arizona last spring, which I wrote about (read it here on the blog) so I won’t go into detail.
Reilly turned 16 this year. She just passed the written test and is scheduled to take the drive on the 26th. I didn’t remind her that the world is ending before then, I’m trying to save on insurance. Earlier this year she somehow tricked us into getting her two kittens. Great, now I have MORE dependent creatures in my house. I recently learned she has taken to tweeting some of the things I say around the house. My favorite: "Daddy needs a beer so he doesn’t kill his children." Best thing to come out of her mouth this year: “When you guys were my age you didn’t care how you looked…I know, I’ve seen the pictures”. Touché.
Nathan has changed quite a bit this year: he’s a pain in the ass teenager now. I mean that. He is still playing football and is actually not half bad. Last year he tried violin. You might wonder how that went. Let’s just say at his performance I learned that he is an excellent (read: awful) air-violinist. He did produce one nugget of wisdom though. When it was discovered that Whitney Houston drowned in her tub with drugs in her system his response was: “that’s why you don’t take baths”. For those of you who read the Arizona write up and are curious, yes, we did find stripper cards throughout the year hidden in his room.
I believe Nick has lost his place as least irritating child this year (Reilly has started to settle down some, but it's close). Not to worry, Nathan has his place on lockdown. This year we finally managed to get Nick potty trained, emphasis on the potty part (that’s my way of nicely saying he still won’t shit in the toilet). He’s 4 for crying out loud. I suppose there are worse things in life. And frankly we’re kind of lazy about it anyway, though I mostly blame Bernadette. He did take a liking to super heroes this year, in particular Batman. He spent almost the entire summer wearing a batman mask and matching pajamas. Even when we went out, the only break from the mask was bed time (there was no break from the pajamas, we had to buy a couple sets). You have no idea how jealous this made me. I want to walk around like that.
Bernadette had a list of all sorts of things her and the kids did this year. I didn’t find them interesting, I can only assume you wouldn’t either. If you ever talk to her do me a favor and say it was cool to hear what we were up to (hint: she mentioned something about trips to Canada, Seattle, and Canon Beach with her friends). We did celebrate our 15 year wedding anniversary this year (please don’t do the math on Reilly’s age).
So what’s new in my life? Well for starters, I’ve been drinking a lot more. I’ve also come up with new and creative ways to get out of housework. It’s an art really. My biggest accomplishment this year was avoiding taking the Christmas lights down from last year long enough that we reached the point at which doing so would be foolish. Despite what you might think, this is a noteworthy triumph.